I started blogging since 2019. Simply just type some articles on the web on one of those free blog website. Later on I constantly posting articles about things that I am interested in. I noticed some of my articles are getting views just in one single day. That means someone need the information or is curious about the articles I wrote. Then I keep blogging and mike it monetized. I found that free blogging website is not so friendly to the readers. I started thinking about moving my blog to somewhere else. Therefore I watch some tutorial videos and start making my own website. Spending money for maintaining your own website is a struggle in the beginning compare to the original free blogging website. However I think it would be better to have my own website for a long term plan if I will keep blogging in the future.
It turned out that my new blog is growing although it is very slow in the beginning. I am thinking about maybe I should start blogging in English since some of the comments are in English and I am sure the readers in English has more population around the world. Please comment below if you can read English and tell me what type of article you would like to read from my website. I will type new articles in English if I am familiar with the contents.