Different countries have their own date written or printed formats. As for the date, you would usually going to see year, month and day. Some places like to put month first and some places like to put day first. It is easier to tell if the day you are reading is greater than 12. I mean, we all know there are 12 months in a year. Interesting thing is that if you don’t know month or day comes first, you might get the wrong expired date. Hence I personally write month in 3 English letters and one apostrophe before the two digits of year. In that case I can tell which is year, month and day.
The Dr Pepper canned drinks did confused me when I was trying to look at the expired date. If you look at the picture I posted above, you can see F4 164HX on the first row. This is the manufacturing date. The first letter is the month and started from letter A which means F is the sixth letter in the alphabet. And the sixth month of a year is June. The next number is 4 which represent the last digit of the year 2024. Following 3 digits are the day numbers of the year. And the last three letters represents the bottler. Answer to this can is made in June 12 ’24 plus the shelf life 9 month, it taste better before Mar 12 ’25.